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Michael's Twitter Bombs

Below is an ever-growing list of my favourite tweets this menace to civilised society has inflicted upon the world. Feel free to perceive them through your own lense (or take them out of context to fuel you're impotence signalling activities, it's your choice.)

Buy his books, and expand you're mind!


This site is not affiliated or authorised by Michael Malice.
Tis merely a homage to one of the few people who have worked out why Twitter was invented.


If you can't afford to support creators you admire, buy yourself something pleasurable instead, even just a weird soda you wouldn't have otherwise bought, and send them a picture of it show them that you are thriving.


An #insurrection is #Resistance without corporate sponsorship.


Treason is #resistence without corporate backing.


Go to any bookstore—look at all those crappy, crappy terrible books. That could be you! You could be that mediocre, terrible writer that doesn't deserve to have a book deal.


My height lets me get away with a loooooot of crap I couldn't if I were human sized.


If you want to understand the extent of a blue-pilled person's mind and interests, take a look at the magazine section at the CVS.


Anarchism is the belief that citizenship is better when based on ideology than on geography.


For the 100th time, anarchism is not a location, it is a relationship. Can you think of any examples of you engaging with other people?


The problem with miserable people is just how persuasive they can be.


Nothing that the worst of Ayn Rand's "unrealistic" villains did (killing a goat? kidnapping a janitor? wrecking one train?) was anywhere near as evil as things that were being done at the time by governments all over the world--including the US Government.


Progressivism is domesticated imperialism.


The thing we like least about ourselves is not the biggest hindrance to our thriving, despite how much it feels that way.


The problem with contemporary journalists is that they have been taught that their role is to train the masses in how to perceive and respond to information. As such, they remain an existential threat to our democracy.


It is of little relevance whether the people trying to restrict your freedom are acting in good faith.


Laughter is joy leaving the body, so you should never ever do it.


Within several years, the premise that every economic action must pay a cut to the government will be recognized as an absurdity by a far far greater number of people.


It takes less effort to regularly go to the gym than it does to maintain a miserable disposition.


Creativity isn't supposed to be safe.


There is a huge percentage of the population who prefers to be safe than to be free. "I do what you tell me, you take care of my problems" is the deal. Having any sort of ambiguity or display of weakness blows this out of the water and causes them extraordinary anguish.


The major red pills in approximate order are: 1) I'm being misled systematically, 2) I've been misled since school, 3) They are fully aware of what they are doing, 4) Given the choice, they would prefer me dead over defiant.


If you are going to make a population pay the costs of marginalization or radicalization, sooner or later they will realize they might as well get the benefits too.


Saying it's not the cops' fault, it's the fault of those who pass the laws, is akin to absolving the person who hires the hitman or the guy driving the getaway car. There's plenty of culpability to go around.


My current hypothesis is that Trump slowed down the radicalization of the right, because a large percentage of the right-wing population had a glimmer of faith in the system with him as president.


I hate the government because I love my country.


Tyranny is when the population is imprisoned. Liberty is when the politicians are.


There is no law so obscene that the police are unwilling to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.


Every cop is a criminal.


It's not that they "fucking love science." It's that they fucking love things to be settled for them, so that they can avoid the responsibility that making moral choices entails.


Keep in mind as humorless, self-righteous, insufferable and mediocre these people are, they still fare better in all those metrics than university professors.


When I was a kid SEO meant naming your company AAAAAAA.


The reason government employees are so disproportionately vile is that state authority attracts low-status, low-quality people who are now in a position to demand the respect and deference that they would never be able to earn otherwise.


I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.


The thing about blue-pilled people is the utter certainty they are trained to have in their surface-level perspective. I don't know whether it's a prerequisite or a precondition or something else.


Those who need leaders are not qualified to choose them.


The mediocre person cannot wrap their head around tradeoffs, or the concept that something with enormous benefits still having very real costs.


There are two types of diseased souls. Those who want to get well, and those who want to spread their contagion.


Actualization: the ability and capacity to be oneself regardless of the external setting.


If you choose to let your worst enemy be your definition of humanity, you are handing them a victory every single day.


One of my biggest mistakes was underestimating how receptive the right wing would be to constructive, empathetic criticism.


If you feel you don't deserve to be happy that doesn't mean you can't deserve to be happy.


I will never get used to strangers telling me that I am placing too much value on things that bring me happiness.


Imagine you had someone who expected their puppy to sit still in one place and listen to them for seven hours straight. Then imagine if the puppy got too fidgety, and they medicated the puppy to make it more docile. What would you call such a person? A schoolteacher.


When it comes to fruitful discussion, give me a red-pilled socialist over a blue-pilled anarchist any day of the week.


A simple REEEEE would have sufficed.


I sometimes forget that many people think Twitter is an improv class, and every tweet is their personal cue to respond with improv-class-level humor.


An inability to get past binary thinking is disturbingly common.


The establishment's bloodlust for war--in which I include the corporate press--cannot be overstated.


I don't understand how these people follow me.


The more the mask drops, the healthier it is for everyone.


Sarcasm is the midwit version of begging the question, asserting without proof or even evidence that which one is trying to demonstrate.


Any call for blanket submission and obedience can be dismissed out of hand.


The corporate press is the enemy of the people.


The corporate press is factual but not truthful.


Journalists are jihadi's without the testosterone.


Referring to the corporate press as mainstream normalizes their malfeasance and depravity.


The consistent principle is, "What do I need to say in order to get you to do what I want?"


[Corporate journalists] will destroy your children's lives. Ruin your wedding. Mock everything you hold dear. They regard themselves as heroes for doing so. And as victim-martyrs when you complain.


These are the people who regard themselves as your betters.


The battle is won when the average person regards a corporate journalist exactly as they do a tobacco executive.




An unlocked door does not serve as your welcome to come inside.


'We need' is always code for 'I want.'


It is quite disturbing how extremely aggressive many people are to those that they perceive to be stupid members of the other tribe.


To be blue-pilled is to perceive every screen as a window.


To be red-pilled is to believe that what is presented as truth by the corporate press is in fact a carefully constructed narrative designed to keep some very unpleasant people in power.


It's not necessarily that things used to be better. It could simply be that you used to be younger.


Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit.


Impotence signalling is so much more fun to watch than virtue signalling.


A dog doesn't know, care or understand why you want it to roll over (and in fact there is no good reason) It just knows that if it rolls over, it will get rewarded. Human beings are neither basically good nor basically bad. They're basically animals.


You're either going to have fun with me, or you're going to be fun for me.


Everything preceeding 'but' in a political statement can be ignored.


The Constitution is precisely as morally binding on someone living in America as the Koran is for someone living in Iraq, and for the exact same reasons.


Public schools are literal prisons for children and the only place many people will experience violence in their lives.


Extremist: A person who refuses to submit to the edicts of the Cathedral.


Thirty years ago today, the Berlin Wall fell. Though Hitler never lived to see his beloved wall get constructed, the structure envisioned in Mein Kampf (Mein Wall) served as a constant reminder of millions of Germans about the dangers of Communist infiltration.


Periods go inside parentheses.


The evangelical left is so thoroughly convinced of their right and duty to rule that they leave no psychological space to address being defied, let alone being repudiated.


'To be fair' is low-rent 'Ackshully'


We are born knowing that life is a magical adventure and it takes them [educational institutions, media, etc] decades to train us to believe otherwise.


Tell people how you would like to be treated and let them choose whether to do so. Maintain your boundaries. Wish them well (elsewhere) if they refuse or refuse to understand.


A key basis of progressivism is to engineer society in order to force desired outcomes.


Our nation's growing ideological self-segregation is proceeding nicely.


The brazen explicit contempt from politicians of both parties toward the corporate press is the healthiest thing currently developing in our discourse.


If you're worried about being a midwit, you aren't one by definition.


The concept of representation is the lie at the center of democracy. Every single state has a mix of pro- and anti-Trump voters, yet the minority in an election are represented by their opponents. This is considered to be a pro-democracy argument.


Cathedral operatives reveal themselves by their use of command language from places of little or no formal authority.


Social media exposes the Cathedral and it's machinations. It also trains the masses to expend an enormous amount of energy barking at the rival pack, and feeling accomplished for doing so.


The fact that there are pathways that distribute news and information outside the Cathedral's control causes them existential dread in direct proportion to their recognition that these are existential threats.


The greatest trick the Cathedral ever pulled was convincing people it doesn't exist.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Any sufficiently advanced intellect is indistinguishable from telepathy.


All government legal monopolies invariably have two standards: one for Us and one for Them. It is only a free legal system-- anarchism--where cheap, efficient and timely adjudication of disputes can be found.


I am saying that today's Federal government is orders of magnitude more oppressive, invasive and imperial than anything our Founding Fathers witnessed.


My commitment to loathing unsolicited input is far stronger than my commitment to truth.


The pretence that politicians represent their constituents instead of powerful interests is increasingly difficult to maintain.


The corporate press has no shame but thanks to social media they also have little resource when called out on their bullshit.


White-knighting is the most cringeworthy way for a sub to try to pass as a badass.


Calm down toots your hysterical.


The role of the corporate press isn't merely to train the population as to what to think. It is there to train them regarding what to think about--or what not to think about.


There are few things more Russian than an entire media apparatus dedicated to training the populace to disbelieve what is profoundly evident to everyone.


Their shamelessness reflects their soullessness.


Bias: When the reporting is primary and narrative is secondary. Agenda: When the narrative is primary and reporting is secondary.


They don't think, they follow their training. When said training fails, this is evidence that they are too good for the corrupt system. It's an unfalsifiable fundamentalist faith-based culture.


If the Left expects the Right to play by its rules, and in turn the Right expects the Left to play by its own rules, eventually everyone ends up playing by the Lefts rules.


One of the ideas I have set my sword against is that commonplace behavior is synonymous with normal behavior.


[The Cathedral] are intelligent people whose role it is to train genpop to believe and more importantly repeat things in violation of reality.


I've argued that the conservatives have it backward, that rather than the press being a wing of the DNC it is more often the corporate press who governs (to some extent) both parties.


One of the best parts about being a optimist and loathing cynicism is not letting a bad experience with one person color your broader perspective about humans in general.


If there's two ways I could change people's minds it would have to be these two: 1) don't take the black pill 2) define and enforce your boundaries.


More often than not, Cathedral operatives are completely unexceptional people. The reason they fight to maintain its cultural dominance with all their power is quite simply because it is the entire source of their power. Without it they would be utterly obscure and irrelevant.


One of the reasons I am an anarchist is the explicit and constant demonstration that advocates of democracy only believe in democracy when it gives them their desired outcomes.


It is not a surprise that the same agencies who beat a constant drum for war, without a mention or thought of the American military casualties that entails (not to mention foreign), care nothing about any loss of civilian life that stands between them and cultural domination.


It is the government's job to implement the agenda. It is the media's job to convince that you have a choice or say in the agenda. It is the school's job to train you--and your children--to listen to the media.


Our miserable would-be overlords don't care that they're laughingstocks, because their humorlessness makes them oblivious to it.


In the same way that everything in politics for conservatives is a function of the constitution, it is often mindboggling to encounter the evangelical left who perceive quite literally everything in politics as a function of race.


Cathedral operatives use command language from places of little or no formal authority. They will tell you with a straight face that disobeying them in any way--voting 3rd party, boycotting the election--"is effectively voting for Trump."


You can attack any institution in the United States: the president, the Supreme Court, the ATF, the EPA, the IRS, the NRA, the schools, the FBI, the military, the media, the universities. It is only when you attack the CIA that your very sanity immediately comes into question.


Our educational system is designed to encourage children to view the approval and perspective of authority figures as superior to their own judgment, experience & evidence. This carries over into adulthood as both political teams regularly train their members on what msg to repeat.


When Cathedral operatives are called on their bullshit they will often pretend not to understand the criticism (or genuinely not understand it) while simultaneously dismissing it as absurd and unfounded.


Any time you hear "experts" being cited, you can be almost certain that the Cathedral is running some sort of con.


Every unconstitutional law is just a letter to Santa without men and women in badges willing to impose and enforce them.


If they use their own kids as a means to further their political goals, do not expect them to regard yours as anything else.


I get how kids think Spider-Man is real. I don't why they think he'd go to their birthday party.


The venn diagram between people who call themselves Dr on Twitter and people who should be listened to: O O


No election is fair. There is no reason to be represented by anyone other than the person that you want.


There is no organization other than the government that takes your money and doesn't even pretend to provide a service to your satisfaction, if they choose to provide it at all.


The cheaper and easier it is to transmit information, the more expensive and difficult it is to maintain an establishment grounded in deception.


Too many people who have been trained in government schools despair because they will never get a majority to agree with them that is the democracy position. The reasonable position is "can i get a majority to leave me alone?" Rejoice! Leaving people alone is the natural default.


It's not about never taking a punch. It's about becoming strong enough to be able to.


The Cathedral cannot handle that increasing numbers of people would prefer to be high- or mid-status outgroup than low-status in its ingroup.


Historically speaking, leftism either does not or can not recognize that people respond to incentives. Instead of Republican vs Democrat or left-wing vs right-wing, the binary that is in tension over controlling the population is the government vs corporate America (with a heavy Venn diagram overlap). Neither regard freedom as a goal to pursue.


Reality television convinces a vast majority of the population that they can't be stupid because they can see people stupider than themselves on the screen.


One of the most sinister messages of government schooling is the presentation that our system is in place to provide useful, truthful information to the populace, and therefore most information that is being presented to us can be safely assumed to be useful and/or truthful.


Socialists regard your property as their property, but even more nefariously regard your children as their property.


The amount of time a given population's concerns are promoted by the corporate press is exactly in proportion to how much said population supports the Cathedral.


Anarchism is the recognition that you are far more likely to be invaded by America than by China, far less likely to be able to protect yourself, and absolutely certain that this assault would be done with the approval of virtually all your countrymen.


There is no we here.


Counterproposal: I do what I want, all the time, and you cry more.


Jon Stewart gave them the syntax and attitude, he did not give them the wit.


A minarchist recognizes that monopolies are bad, that politicians are evil, that governments are unaccountable, and concludes that the solution is a government monopoly run by politicians.


The vast majority of people are not interested in learning more about your POV. They are interested in you explaining yourself so they can shoot you down, a la volleyball. At best, point them in the right direction. The intellectually curious will take it from there.


REPEAT AS NECESSARY: "I don't believe you, and even if I did I still don't trust you."


The universities are literal monasteries training young adults into the shock troops for the Cathedral's progressive militia.


The manic oscillation between apoplexy and forced derisive laughter makes it exhausting to be a blue-pilled leftist.


Your accomplishments are irrevocable.


The masses side with the winner. They neither choose him nor possess the capacity to do so.


When you structure your life as you envisioned it it becomes functionally indistinguishable from magic.


Blue-pilled people have been trained to believe that "smart," "educated" and "correct" are effectively synonymous when it comes to a discussion.


The NPCs who outsource their critical thinking to the screens outsource their sense of right and wrong as well.


The average person's mechanism for determining a truth claim is simply whether it gives them a positive emotional response.


Corporate America is privatized authoritarianism.


Social media will be the death knell of democracy bc for the first time in history we all are battered with evidence 24/7 of how profoundly uninterested in thought and incapable of it most people are.


Markets tend toward decentralization. Governments tend toward centralization.


I want my legacy to be one of teaching the kids to be more hopeful and less merciful.


Democracy in theory tells everyone that they matter. Democracy in practice shows us that we don't.


Democracy lets people who contribute nothing feel a sense of ownership.


If you'd rather be right than be happy, you're neither.


Law is how the powerful tell the powerless what to do.


Your mental health is extremely important. Learn and use this phrase on social media and IRL: "I am comfortable with that being your perception."


It is worse to enforce a law against freedom than to pass one.


Low status people would love a social credit score because obedience is one of the few metrics they can compete on.


It's not trolling to call you out on your bullshit. You're imagining yourself on the cross when you are of the sewer.